Manual Weeding: A Healthy Approach to Lawn Maintenance

Our northern Illinois home does not have what would fit the mold of a "perfect suburban grass lawn”, but why should it? Rethinking our landscaping goals gave us the freedom to find and appreciate the health benefits of manual weeding in place of chemical herbicides.


Weeds Are Always a Challenge

Dandelions, thistles, black medick and more seem to pop up overnight and threaten to overtake the entire space. By mid-July, it half of our backyard has become something other than conventional lawn grass. By August, I've begun thinking about what we may do "next year". But I have a soft spot for clover and allow it to thrive. It helps keep many of the worst offenders at bay, stays green, and works with our mowing schedule.

I was a city girl until 2022 when we left Chicago for our current house in a far northwest suburb. We don’t have a huge lawn or backyard, but when we first decided to forego the chemical lawn care, I envisioned toiling on hands and knees, digging and pulling unwanted plants for hours. Manual labor was not at the top of my list for weekend activities. That is, until I discovered a tool that pretty much cut the labor in half and did not require me to get my hands and knees dirty.

Our Secret Weapon: A Stand-up Weeder

The stand-up weeder is a simple yet ingenious tool that makes manual weeding less labor-intensive and more effective. Several types are available online, and after some research last year, I ordered Grampa's Weeder. Today, it is such an indispensable part of my gardening toolkit, I don’t go out the back door without it! I can remove most major weeds without bending, crawling or squatting (much). As far as manual tools go, nothing is perfect, but this is pretty close and that’s good enough for me. :)


The Unexpected Benefits of Manual Weeding

So yes, what started as a necessary chore evolved into a surprisingly enjoyable and beneficial activity. Here’s why:

  1. Moderate Exercise: Weeding provides a low-impact workout that gets us moving and helps maintain flexibility.
  2. Fresh Air and Sunshine: Spending time outdoors exposes us to vitamin D and fresh air, both essential for overall health.
  3. Stress Relief: The rhythmic nature of weeding can be meditative, helping to reduce stress and clear the mind.
  4. Connection with Nature: While outdoors, I’m treated to the sounds of birds and the subtle changes in our garden. I really do feel a deeper connection with the natural world.
  5. Sense of Accomplishment: Ripping a large, pointy thistle out of the ground is uniquely satisfying. That, and seeing a weed-free patch of earth that remains. Just remember to replace that little divot of grass in the hole that remains.

Embracing Imperfection

While our yard may never win awards for pristine uniformity, I appreciate its natural beauty and found a balance that allows for a living, sustainable outdoor space that's healthier for us, the environment. I also like to think the bunnies in our backyard are happier and healthier.

Next time you spot a dandelion in your yard, consider reaching for a weeder instead of a chemical spray – your body, mind, and the environment will thank you!

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